5 Feb 2024 PRINCE ROHILLA 0 Comments Computer Education Quiz X-Marks (27) Q(1). Insert, Delete, Page Up, Page Down, Home, Down keys located _____ the arrow keys: (A) Above (B) Parallel (C) Below (D) None of These Q(2). Speakers are an ________ device, which takes voice as input: (A) Output Device (B) Input Device (C) Both of Above (D) None of These Q(3). FORTRAN stands for: (A) Formula Transformation (B) Formula Translation (C) Formula Technology (D) None of These Q(4). A digitizer is an ________ device, which takes voice as input: (A) Output Device (B) Input Device (C) Both of Above (D) None of These Q(5). OCR stands for: (A) Optimal Character Reader (B) Optical Character Reader (C) Optimal Code Reader (D) None of These Q(6). ________ data is generally used in labeling goods, numbering of books etc: (A) OCR coded Data (B) Bar Coded Data (C) OMR data (D) None of These Q(7). The CRT display is made up of small picture elements called: (A) Columns (B) Pixels (C) Rows (D) None of These Q(8). ________ carries fans and a special port designed for power supply. (A) UPS (B) Motherboard (C) Monitor (D) None of These Q(9). Payroll Software, Student Record Software, Inventory Management Software, Income Tax Software are related to: (A) System Software (B) Application Software (C) Both of Above (D) None of These Q(10). VGA stands for: (A) Virtual Graphics Adapter (B) Video Graphics Adapter (C) Various Graphics Adapter (D) None of These Please provide your contact information to proceed.Email Address *First Name *Consent *Yes, I agree with the privacy policy and terms and conditions.Submit